About me
Hi you guys and welcome! I am Katja, the woman behind Hallo Molly! I’m a daytime photographer and nighttime cartoonist, illustrator and small business owner.
My mission is to bring some smiles and happiness into the world with my art. I love drawing funny and cute characters and cartoons and making the world around me more colorful.
If I manage to make someone’s life a bit more cheerful with my illustrations it totally makes my day and there’s nothing that makes me happier!
How it all began
I came up with the idea for my first character Molly while drawing and coloring with my kids when they were toddlers. I doodled our dog Molly for my daughter to color in and it somehow got out of hand and turned into an Etsy shop and more. Who’d have thought?!
Some personal facts
Apart from being a dog owner I’m also a mom of three wonderful kids, married to my wonderful American husband and we all live in the center of Germany near a beautiful medieval town called Marburg.
On top of drawing and taking pictures I also love to read (mainly young adult and graphic novels), travel Europe, nature journal and learn languages, I’m doing a weekly Norwegian class at the moment and have been learning the language for a long time now, det er et veldig vakkert språk!
And above all: good food is just the best!
Follow me for more recent updates and news and the occasional shot of Georgie on Facebook and Instagram:
Our first dog Molly was the original muse and inspiration for Hallo Molly (see above, this was done for an “original and forgery” Facebook post, I first photographed Molly in an outfit and then showed the “cartoonified” illustration).
Now our second Airedale Georgie and Scottish Terrier Fergus are my office buddies, main inspiration and all-around trouble makers. We also added four budgies to the pack, err, excuse, me, flock recently. Just like Molly before her they put a smile on our faces every day (or an exasperated look, depending on what they’re up to).