Buchempfehlungen fürs Nature Journaling
Hier also eine Liste mit meinen Lieblingsbüchern “for everything nature journaling”, schreibt mir gerne auch Eure Favoriten, dann kann ich die Liste gerne ergänzen oder einfach eine neue machen!
Top Ten Favorite “Art Making” Books
Drumroll! Drrrrrr and ta-da! Here are my top ten favorite ” art making” books! What do I mean by that? I mean any book that focusses on the art of creating: Drawing tutorial books, art advice, sketchbooking etc.
These are my personal top ten: These books have taught me a lot, inspired me and made me want to become a better artist. I put the books in no particular order, I couldn’t pick a favorite, so don’t make me :)
“A life without a dog is possible, but pointless.”